Top 10 Tips for a Successful Interview

by Alexander Strauss

Posted on November 25, 2017 at 1:00 PM

Robert Sheie/

1. Conduct research on the Employer and the Job Oppurtunity

Understand your employer and the job you are going for. A job interview starts with solid knowledge and confidence to have it be successful.

2. Review Common Interview Questions and Prepare Your Responses

Your goal is secure the position. Review common interview questions so you know what to expect. Your answers should be detailed but concise.

3. Dress for Success

Strive to look as professional as possible. It is always better to overdress.

4. Arrive on Time, the Earlier the Better

Strive to be at the interview around 15 minutes early so you have time to prepare. There is no excuse for being late.Be prepared the day before so you don't stress out the morning of your interview.

5. Make a Good First Impression

Always be polite to your interviewer to give off a good first impression. Make a strong first impression by dressing well, arriving early, and greeting your interviewer.

6. Be Authentic, Enthusiastic, Focused, Confident, Candid, and Concise

Answer any questions truthfully, quickly, and with confidence.

7. Body Language is Key

Good forms of body language include smiling, eye contact, solid posture, active listening, and nodding. Bad forms of body language include slouching, looking off in the distance, playing with a pen, fidgeting in a chair, brushing back your hair, touching your face, chewing gum, or mumbling.

8. Always Ask Questions

Let them know you're interested in the job by asking questions, especially if the interviewer did not already cover them. Doing this lets the interviewer know your curious.

9. Sell Yourself, Have Personality

Do your best to answer all of the questions as best as you can and showcase your skills to improve your chance of getting the job.

10. Thank the Interviewer

Even though it won’t get you the job, having common courtesy and being polite is still good to do. Make sure you thank every person who interviewed you after the interview is over.

Source: Hansen , Randall S. “10 Best Job Interview Tips for Job-Seekers | Quintessential LiveCareer.” LiveCareer,