Importance of Your Online Presence

by Robert J Renode IV

Posted on November 23, 2017 at 2:00 PM

Your online presence is just as important as your resume and cover letter.

You put a lot of time updating your resume, why not do the same with your online presence? Polishing your resume and online presence is the best thing to do before applying for a position anywhere. You should review all forms of social media not just job related websites like LinkedIN. Prospective employers are reviewing your online presence before you even get a call back. The information the employers find has a big impact on whether or not they want to hire you. The impression they get from not only your professional profile but also your personal social media profile can make or break their decision. So what can you do to make your online presence stand out better than everyone else’s?

To get the job you really want, you need to be more creative than other people applying. An online presence allows you to appear relevant. Developing your online presence will attract future employers and provide better opportunities in your future. You need to have a professional profile that provides current information like new achievement or skills. If you decide to have both a professional and personal profile make sure to keep your name consistent on all of them. It is easier for prospective employers to find you if your name is the same across all profiles. Do not use a nickname on pages, such as Facebook. A nickname can make you seem less reliable and unprofessional.

"Your brand isn't what you say it is, it's what Google says it is."

Chris Anderson

Creating your own website can often be a requirement for students, especially those majoring in anything digital, for example marketing or designing. Having a website lets people know what you’re all about. Not only can you promote your professional skills and experience but you can show your personal style. Showing some personality is one of the best things you can do so prospective employers can see what you are like. You can write post about different business issues you are passionate about.

Remember when it comes to social media, everyone can see what you post. What you put on the Internet does not go away so post smartly. It is best to assume that everyone can see what you post, endorse, and comment. When your online presence is done correctly, it can be extremely effective. Online profiles are a big deal when applying anywhere for a job. Don’t let your online presence keep you from getting the job you want.

Source: Systems, Micro-Data. “Your Online Presence May Be Just as Important as Your Resume.” Micro Data Systems, 31 Aug. 2016,