Presenting Yourself in Interviews

by Alexander Strauss

Posted on November 25, 2017 at 2:00 PM

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Congratulations! It's time to prepare for the interview you just landed.

A successful interview is key for you to lock in a job offer. Taking time to prepare will make the interview run smoothly. Have confidence in what you're doing to have the best possible impression at every interview. Here's advice on how to present yourself and to dress impress.

When presenting yourself in an interview, it is important to make a good first impression on your employer. You should be dressed smartly and professionally to show that you will take the job seriously. When employers interview people, they usually look for three things. Have the ability and desire to do the job, be able to fit into the company culture and be good to work with, and that you won’t quit quickly after being hired. If you don’t meet these goals, you have less of a chance of being hired.

Here are some “Do’s and Don’ts” of how to act during an interview: Have good posture. Just the way you sit can help an employer determine if he or she will hire you. Let the interviewer speak. Do not cut off the interviewer in the middle of the sentence. You could be asking a question that he was about to answer. Save your questions until after the interviewer has finished speaking. Don’t be rude to your interviewer. Being rude is one of the last things you would want to do during an interview. Put yourself into their shoes. Would you hire someone who is being rude to you? No. Don’t forget names. Make a mental note of the interviewer’s name and use it when it is appropriate. Lastly, Do not lie to your interviewer. Be completely honest when answering questions.

"One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation."

Arthur Ashe

When going in to an interview, you want to dress for success. Your attire for the interview should represent how seriously you are going to take your job. If you show up in sweatpants and a T-shirt, you won’t be taken as seriously as someone who showed up in khakis and a button up shirt. It is always better to overdress rather than underdress in this situation. However, that doesn’t mean show up in a suit to an interview for a fast food restaurant. If jobs were on a chart, you want to dress one notch higher. For example: If you were to apply to a business where everyone wore black pants, a button up shirt, and a tie, you should go to the interview in a suit.


Guidelines on How to Dress:

Guidelines for men: You should wear a suit to interviews. This consists of pants, a button up shirt with a tie, a suit jacket, shoes, and a belt. The belt and shoes should both be black. The pants and jacket should be the same color and dark. The button up shirt should be light colored. The suit should fit you and be comfortable at the same time. The ties should not be flashy or stick out. Your clothes should be cleaned and pressed. The shoes should also be polished.

Guidelines for women: You should wear a suit with a skirt or pants. The suit should be comfortable and fit well. If not, you will not look or act your best. The suit should be dark in color and simple, this means no designs. Makeup and jewelry should be simple. Don’t wear any jewelry or makeup that would catch the attention of the interviewer. Shoes should be conservative and fairly low-heeled. They should be in reasonably good condition, not scuffed or run-down at the heels.

Sources: Michigan State University. “Dressing for Interviews.” Career Services Network,

Khadbai, Burhan. “How to Behave in an Interview.” The Gateway,