About Career Map

Our goal is quite simple, make the largest effect on as many people's careers as possible.

We do this by providing career advice through articles and research services.

Our team is deticated to make young graduates and talented young adults reach their full potential hellping others while still providing for themselves. Their career is very important in this, thus it's what we focus on.

Through articles and research we put our time and love into maintaining this website for you, yes you! What will this cost you? Not a single dime. CareerMap is all about giving free advice to people who want to recieve it.

We plan to grow a whole community that can help eachother grow and prospire. We have several articles packed into our Career Guide. Within our guide is useful information on setting your furture career path straight.

Our Team

Robert Renode

Developer/Creative Designer

Natalie Terpstra

Developer/Creative Designer

Alexander Strauss
